Sunday, December 21, 2014

Cold Days Painting

I haven't posted in a while, but I came across a couple of cold pictures that I thought I could post.

This was done on Remembrance Day, and it was really windy and cold. Brenna and I went up to Alouette Lake to do some painting and it was stormy on the lake. I had to pin my box box with one hand while I painted with the other. Brenna wrapped up in a blank and set up on the beach for a bit.
The result wasn't great, (it really needs a foreground) but it was fun none the less.

"Stormy Rememberance" (P.A.) 9"x12"

The second comes from the first day we got snow here. It was about -6' with a heavy wind in my face. Brenna and Champ walked the dike as I painted. At one point, the paint (acrylic underpaint) froze to my brush and I had to move to oils, which were very stiff. The wind was so bad that it blew my brush holder (a plastic bag) onto the ground, and I lost several brushes. I couldn't really feel my fingers during. It was pretty cold.
I loved it, and I turned in one of my favorite paintings to date.
Notice the fat boy pants. I had to do it so I could put the long underarmour underneath.

"First snow" (P.A.) 9"x12"

I also tried to render it to a 16"x20" that evening

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